Saturday, July 4, 2009

King Bong vs Trogzilla

To : Trogzilla
From : Your "Distraction"

Good Morning,

First, I wanted to take a moment to thank you for taking time out of your "busy day" to read what I have so wanted to get off of my chest for the past few weeks now. I say thank you to you, of all people, only to show that it is possible to acknowledge a persons time and effort, even though your personal opinion of that person might equal most peoples opinion of Hitler. (without the mass genocide of course)

I suppose you know, despite your lack of attention to detail, I am the cousin of the man who's professional life you've taken over. Not to mention a part of his personal life. This, naturally, concerns me. When I was told you were being brought on as "partner" to his company, I smiled. "Good", I said. "He needs the help". I found out I was terribly wrong, very soon after I had met you. You, ma'am are not a "partner" at all. Seldom, in professional situations, do I see a so called "partner" dictate "what needs to happen" to a man that whom without his idea, resources and drive, you would not have anything to become "partner" to. Never have I seen a "partner", with self proclaimed abilities of professionalism and skill be completely unprofessional and amateur. Never have I seen a "partner" who only has the means (aka $$$) to such a status because of relentless and sometimes forced cooperation from her parents. Plus, the fact that you still live with your parents is a shocker considering you're 30 years old. It's quite annoying having you dictate how to manage money to a man who owns his own house. You apparently don't have phenomenal money management skills since you can't even afford your own place to live. Or is it just that you can't stand the thought of not having mommy and daddy right there to bail you out around every corner. Or maybe you're afraid to loose your allowance. One word of friendly advice while I'm on this subject. Don't announce your "availability" to people know you and where and how you live. They will probably come up with the conclusion "So, she's tired of living off of her parents so it's time to get a boyfriend to move in with". At least I did. That probably won't happen anyway, because even the backwoods men of Dunlap want a chick with a job. Especially at 30. (Ha! ... that was mean)

I touched on professionalism a line or two ago. Let me revisit that subject by first saying how unorganized and unprofessional you have been since the very first time I met you at your mothers office. The way you addressed me and talked to me turned me off from the start. In the real world of starting a business, when you meet new employees 9and I use that term loosely) you usually ask them a little about themselves. You ask what they plan to being to the table. You start the relationship off on a positive note by at least acting interested, and fucking thankful for that matter, in what this person is going to do for you. Especially when you're not going to be paying them. I came to this god forsaken city in the middle of nowhere to help my cousin down his road to success. Because I believe in his idea. (the idea has now been bastardized by you, by the way) Therefore, I am not at all complaining about the fact that I am not getting paid. Actually, no one in our team has complained about not getting paid. We see the bigger picture. Get it done. Do it right. Make some money in the end, however long it takes. The only thing you have been focused on is what we are all lacking. You have been so negative when it comes to everyone's "interest" level. Have you ever once sat down and asked us what our plans are? Have you ever sat down to confirm these opinions of "oh, they're just going to leave in a few months, so they really don't care like we do". No. You have never done that. Especially with my younger cousin. You were nothing but snotty and condescending to him the entire time he was here because "he's just going to leave in a few weeks so his opinions and ideas don't matter." All of those examples don't even scratch the surface of your unprofessionalism. You have a lot to learn about being a functioning and successful business owner, team player, and above all, a rational and appreciative human being.

In conclusion (and I really shouldn't end here, I just think I've said enough) I would like to say just one more thing. Look around you. Look at you geographic position in life. You are in fucking Dunlap, Tennessee! This is not LA, New York City, or even Tampa for that matter! You are NOT in a large enough market to see yourself as the miss know-it-all that you do. I have only been in the media business for 2 years and I feel I know more then you about larger and more demanding markets. Don't take yourself so god damned seriously. Do your fucking research. Find out what's up and coming on your subject matter and content. Don't think you have all the fucking answers. People would like you more.